[World History Archives]

The social history of Cuba

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   The history in general of Cuba

   Documents for the history of women and gender in Cuba
   Documents for the history of children and youth in Cuba
   Documents for the history of race in Cuba
   Documents for the history of public health in Cuba

The social history in general of Cuba

We are not extinct: Cuba's first nations
By Dr. Jose Barreiro, American Indian Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, 2 June, 1997. The old scholarly consensus that the Taino-Arawak people are extinct is now considered to be false. See World History Archive documents for Native Americans of the the Caribbean and Florida.
U.N. study places Cuba among developing countries with best human progress indicators (excerpt)
From Radio Havana, Cuba, 11 June 1997. Trinidad and Tobago, Cuba, Chile, Singapore and Costa Rica are the five developing countries with the best indexes of human development, according to a new U.N. report on human development, which for the first is based, not on income, but rather on life expectancy, illiteracy and access to public services.
Cuban union lashes emerging capitalist "fetishes"
By Andrew Cawthorne, Reuters, 2 June 1998. New social problems such as prostitution and vagrancy on the streets, and corruption and nepotism in the workplace, are a growing cancer, Cubans are increasingly concerned about crime, wealth inequalities, bribery, and the sex trade, although they are still at a relatively low level compared to most other Latin American countries.
Dollar checks progress of Cuba's poor
By Richard Derecki, Guardian (London), 10 August 1998. Because the "real" value of what a communist government like Cuba produces is not clear in dollar terms, the UN devised a Human Development Index of the most basic dimensions of deprivation. In terms of accessing those basic attributes of a humane society Cuba scores very highly.
Learn from Cuba, Says World Bank
By Jim Lobe, IPS, 1 May 2001. World Bank President James Wolfensohn extolls the Communist government of President Fidel Castro for doing "a great job" in providing for the social welfare of the Cuban people.